Repelling Tower and the Leadership Reaction Course. The youth had a great time working together at these activities, but admitted it was harder than they expected, but it was a lot of fun.
Ultimate Frisbee
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Stake Youth Conference
Stake Youth Conference was this last week, June 24-26, at Camp Williams. We had a great time with all the youth and leaders from the stake. I would recommend Camp Williams to other stakes for Youth Conference. We live in a great area with great people. I am the Stake Young Womens Secretary, and I love it! Work w/3 awesome ladies I couldn't have asked for better women. Unfortunately Carlene couldn't be there, so that left Denise, Elise and I to all the food prep and cooking. So we found ourselves in the kitchen most of the time, with a few breaks to attend the various activities we had planned for the youth. Very tiring, but worth it! Email me if you want more info for the future.
Camp Williams,
Youth Conference
Maughan Family Reunion
June 12-14 was the annual Maughan Family Reunion. Jeff & Emily planned it this year on the campgrounds at Cherry Hills. It was short and sweet. Spencer & I made a killer Egg & Sausage Souffle in the dutch oven for breakfast. We played outside games, spent half a day in the sun at the water park, played mini golf and wore ourselves out on the trampline Aero Ball game. Oh yeah, and I had my head stuck in a book I started and finished that weekend. It was a good time w/the family.
Cherry Hills,
Dutch Oven,
Shout out for Real Salt Lake
We went to the Real Salt Lake soccer game last weekend. The weather was perfect and the night was very relaxing. Real took the win 2-1, YEAH! We are excited for the new stadium that is almost complete just down the street from us, now all we need are more soccer fans to fill it up. Good luck Real, keep it up!
Real Salt Lake Soccer
Monday, June 23, 2008
Our stake decided to have a emergency prepardness week. During the last 3 weeks, the bishops and stake president have been warning us that a "disaster" is coming. Well, it came. Obviously, it wasn't a real earthquake, but we pretended it was. Last Sunday the bishopric handed out a flyer to everybody, which basically said there was an earthquake that broke water lines and all types of power lines, and the grocery stores were cleaned out. The flyer listed what was available and when. Example: Monday and Tuesday, we had nothing. No water, no heat (except for the hot sun outside), no air conditioning, no power. Throughout the week things started to work again. On Wednesday we got water. Thursday, electricity (thank goodness for central air AC). Friday the gas came on (water heater. I HATE cold showers. BRRRR!), and phones started working again.
It was so hot upstairs by the 3rd night we slept downstairs
In the end, it was a fun week and we learned a lot. Especially the need to have A LOT of water. That is Essential! Water to flush the toilet, clean the dishes, wash your hands and the rest of your body, you really don't realize how much water we use day to day. It was a great experience and we are really glad we stuck to it and strictly did it, as it will be a great benefit for our future.
Emergency Preparedness
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Let the Hiking begin
This last weekend we we're able to go on our first hike of the Spring. We headed up American Fork Canyon to Silver Lake Flat Reservoir. From there we hiked up to Silver Lake. It was a pretty easy hike. 5 miles round trip and about 1300 feet elevation gain. It only took us about 1 hour 45 min to get up and 1 hour to get down. About 500 yards before the lake we hit quite a bit of snow, but it made a great sledding hill on the way down. (We slid on our butts. Melina was way cute and screamed all the way down.) We had decent weather. A bit over cast but no rain (or snow). It was a fun lake and would recommend it.

Sorry on behalf of the picture, our camera is in the "shop" (Olympus repair in California) and the camera phone just doesn't take good pictures at all. Hopefully we'll get it back actually fixed this time. Cross your fingers.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Happy Graduation!

Wow, these caps are so stunning, aren't they?! Thank You Spencer for being so supportive.

B.S. in Sociology with a Certificate in Criminology
University of Utah
The Flood!
Spencer went downstairs to put on his shoes and head to work on May 23rd at about 6:00 AM. He steps off the last stair downstairs and suddenly realizes that he is standing on a piece of WATER SOAKED carpet. Oh no! He walks into the storage room and there is about 1 and a half inches of water. Maybe it wasn’t as dramatic as Noah and the flood, but we definitely could have done without it. Our basement flooded, luckily it wasn’t too bad though, and we continue to learn about the joys of home ownership!
Flooded under the stairs. Brutal!
Melina sucking up water
The water stayed mostly under the stairs and in the downstairs bathroom. We sucked it up as best we could (from 6:30 am to 11:30 am, ugh!), placed a bunch of fans all over, then went up to Spencer parent’s cabin for the weekend. We had to get out of that mess in our basement. While at the cabin, Spencer shot a beautiful 79 on the Mountain course at Wasatch Golf Course. The ladies went shopping and bought a ton of clothes. It was like Christmas! That was Memorial Weekend!
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