Monday, September 29, 2008
Awe Inspiring
It's official, I am now in love with Fall! Can you say WOW to these colors! We closed on our new home today
and decided to go for a little hike up the canyon to celebrate, since we were off work early. We found this great new hike, called Willow Heights Trail, which leads you to Willow Heights Lake. It is a small 1.5 mile roundtrip hike, with a 600 elevation gain. Since it is 3/4 mile up, it is definately a stair stepping, thigh burning little
trail. But it evens off for the last 10 minutes. It only took us 30 minutes to get up. The fall is the best time to hike this trail...it is Beautiful! The trail goes through Quaking Aspens the whole way, and they are all turning bright yellows and reds. Really a gorgeous sight. We were there at the perfect time, with the sun shining brightening the fall colors. Take a look at the awe inspiring picts we shot and Enjoy! (directions to the hike at the bottom)
We got jumps...it took 5 tries to capture, but was definately worth it! Our faces and ambition are totally funny.
Hey MOOSE "Nice Rack"!! This guy was large and in charge of this lake once he showed up. It was really neat to see him so close.
Directions: There is no obvious marker from the street for this trail. Drive up 12 miles from the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon. There will be 35 mph sign (backwards to you going up) and a rock on the left side. Park on the right side small shoulder.

Willow Heights Trail
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Wet 'n Wild Adventure
So yesterday we played hookie from work and Attempted to hike Mount Timpanogas. We knew it was supposed to rain in the morning then clear up, so we went for it. We got about a mile in when it started to rain, which turned into frozen rain. Then about 2 miles it turned to snow, then a windy blizzard. We stopped to put our long sleeve shirts back on, looked out around us and saw a complete white out. We decided we weren't quite prepared to venture into more snow and cold, or to even wait it out, so we turned around. As we hiked back down, out of the windy snow, then rain, we hit beautiful clear sunshiny weather. Utah's mountains are Beautiful! Enjoy the awesome colors and scenery we got to enjoy for a couple hours. 

(left) The Bear's Berries. (right) This is our new Adventure buddy, the gorillapod, it'll come everywhere we go. It is so awesome and super easy to set up and twist or bend to hold our camera and take picts of us!
We drove down a little, pulled off to a nice view, turned the music on, and relaxed while eating our lunches.
Isn't Spencer such a stud, he did all this!! We worked together and got 10 quarts of peaches canned after our bike ride. Because we couldn't get to the top of the mountain we went on a 5 mile bike ride on the Draper Parkway trail. Spencer wanted a day off...I showed him my kind of a day off! Busy busy we got a lot accomplished, and enjoyed our time together. You are so wonderful sugar.
Canning Peaches,
Mount Timpanogas
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Birthday Day...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson...Are you for reeeal?
So check this out...so cool. How to make capri pants/shorts with a T-shirt. This was on my friends blog, she found it on another friends blog (aren't blogs great fun!). I am for real making these in the next week or two! I am in need of some new workout shorts, and this is going to be a fun, cheap way for me to get some! Spencer will get to sacrafice one of his t-shirts for me...which one which one! Haha, I will post picts of the finished product, I hope they work out. If not, it will be a fun craft experiment for me.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
"100 Miles of Heaven and Hell"

Wasatch 100 Mile Run
We have been all moved out of our house for a week and a half now. All of our "things" are now homeless, stuffed like tetris in my dad's garage. Thanks dad for letting us use it for a month.

So this is now our "home" (at the in-laws house) until the 2nd week in October, when we finally get to move into our new home...a full 3 1/2 months after this whole thing started. It is nice and comfortable, but is just not the same. We got right into our home when we got married, and are just missing the "comfort of our own home." However, the free time has been nice to have. I should be skinny and have lots of scrapbooking done by the end of the month!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Special thanks to Spencer for creating this new background for our blog. It took a new program and lots of time, but he figured it out! We tried adding a normal background from the web, but none of the codes would work, we kept getting errors, so Spencer just figured he'd expand his computer skills. Using personal picts from our Europe trip in April/May (cause that is all he had on his computer) we ended up with this. Thanks sweetie, it looks great.
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