October 1, 2004
The Proposal
Spencer & I drove to go hiking at Teton N.P. for the first time, then on to Pocatello, ID to stay with his sister for Conference weekend. It took like 6 hours to get there. Spencer drove very fast in his beamer, and was a bit agitated with the construction we hit part way there. I told him we'd be fine, we'll still be able to hike, but he was still bummed about being so late. As we got to the trailhead to Hidden Falls Spencer took off, hiking very quickly! I again reminded him, then and throughout the hike that we were fine on time, and we'd finish the hike. In the end, it was a fast hike up! I love to take pictures and document memories, so I set my film camera up to take our picture in front of the falls. As I was doing so 3 men got there and asked if I wanted them to take the picture for us, to which I said "Yes, that'd be great!" I soon found out Spencer didn't like this idea, as it was ruining his plans, that I didn't yet know about! See his fake smiling face in pic #2, not sure of what to do now...That was the last picture on my camera, so I sat on the log and reloaded some new film. Spencer nonchalantly asks me if I would like to take another picture. I of course said "sure" because I love to have lots of pictures, especially with my cute boyfriend! So I set the camera up again and set the timer. As I walked over to sit next to Spencer on the fence he, all of a sudden, got up off the fence. I started saying "sit down, it's about to take the picture" when
he tells me to sit back down on the fence
gets on 1 knee
and pulls out a beautiful diamond ring...
CLICK goes the picture.
I promise, this picture is not a re-enactment, it is for real!
Perfection. Go on, say it...Awwwww. He knew me well enough to know how much I would cherish having this moment on camera. I think this moment in our lives began our adventurous life together, and solidified hiking/camping to be "our thing" to do together. It has allowed us to talk and think so much on the drives and hikes and around the campfire. Now you can view the pictures [which aren't awesome quality since they are scanned]. So this story explains the fast driving, agitation and practically running up the trail without me. Someone was a bit nervous about what he was about to do. He told me later that he kept feeling the ring in his pocket, so nervous about loosing it or having it fall out of his pocket, since it was just the little ring itself. He took it out of the box so I wouldn't see the bulge.
The Proposal, the picture before the proposal, just me with my new beautiful ring, and going out to a late dinner after the hike.
August 1, 2004
We Met
at a single's ward Ward Prayer. We were not in the same singles ward, Spencer just came with his friend this one night...and chose me! That whole night is another story by itself, very comedic!
We had our first date August 7, and saw each other almost every day thereafter. It truly was love [not at first sight] but at first date. There was the special, deep connection there neither of us could deny.
I think this was our second weekend together up at Park City, one of our dates we remember a lot about. I actually ended up meeting his parents this night.
If you have noticed my dates, and done the math already, you have calculated that we dated for exactly 2 months and were engaged. Like I said, we hung out everyday but like 2-3, and really got to know each other so quickly through all the fun things we did.
We went to a BYU game
[We look so young here! Must be the lighting. We are 23 & 21]
We did our first of 5 'Wasatch 100' volunteer overnight backpacking adventures.
Spencer actually told me about this on our first date and invited me to come. At that time I hadn't decided if there was even going to be a second date, so I was a bit hesitant to say "yea, I'd love to come" when it was a month away. Of course I did to be polite. I am so glad I was still with him a month later. What a neat experience!
He took me to Norah Jones at USANA
where he almost proposed, since he got my ring [which he picked out himself] that morning. So glad he didn't, since his other idea was something we love to remember!
It is so fun to look back at where we began and how far we have come. Life changes a lot in a couple months, and even more in a year, and so much more over the years. I am truly satisfied with life and how it has come about for the both of us. We had a lot of fun times before we met, and have had more fun times than we could imagine since we've been together. It's fun to live life and see what comes next...