Monday, June 25, 2012

Triathlon Time!

     Spencer & I completed the Shark Attack Sprint Triathlon in Riverton on June 16th.  It was a really fun experience, and we will most likely do more!  I had been training since January with my sister who really helped me get into a good workout groove.  If it hadn't have been for her, I probably would not have done this yet!  When we started I could run for maybe 1/4 mile.  I am not a runner, and do did not enjoy it, I could go hike for 10 miles no problem!  I can now run 1.5 - 2 miles straight, which is plenty for me, and it's not too bad!  
     A couple things factored into us finally signing up for this tri.  First, Carla getting me up at 6 am to work out 3-4 days a week.  Second, uncle Sam helping us out with some new Cannondale hybrid bikes [mix between a road and mountain bike] from Infinite Cycles bike shop.  Third, Spencer's old employer sponsoring us, paying for our race fees, swimming pass and shirts!  

Our triathlon included:  Swim 300 yards, Bike 11.5 miles, Run 5k (3.1 miles)

Melina's stats:  finished #166 of 197
Swim: 8:53
transition time: 2:47
Bike: 54:38
transition time: 1:29
Run: 35:17
Overall Time: 1:43:04

Spencer's stats: finished #132 of 197
Swim: 9:04
transition time: 2:43
Bike: 48:49
transition time: 1:02
Run: 30:49
Overall Time: 1:32:27

now for the picture story...
Number time, it's official
 We have no idea how this is going to pan out!
 I was not worried about the swim.  Got into it with a couple big guys, but passed them and went on my way.  Only drawback here was how warm the water was!  Not fun to swim in that heat.
 I started to swim w/o my goggles on...oopes!  You can see me come up and put them on while Spencer is just getting in.
 I am taking this seriously!  Posing gave me a good excuse to catch my breath.
 300 yards, done
 Transition to the bikes!
We rode together for 3 minutes on the bike, then  Spencer quickly passed me on the rest.
 Our cheering section, arrived right before we came in on the bike.  This is where I teared up, as soon as I saw that sweet little boy waving with excitement and a huge smile on his face!
 11.5 miles, done
 Our parents were so great in bringing the kids out there and supporting us
 Carla was amazing to be there at 6:45 a.m. to take pictures of all our events.  Then it was so nice for Matt and EZ to come as well.  Now they can't wait to join us on the next one!
 Running strong to the finish line!
 and now it's time for Spencer to break down!
 Our friends joined us and helping with advice along our training.  They killed their race times!
 5k, done and feeling great!  My knees do not like the running, hence my knee braces on.  But they didn't give me any trouble during this run and I was able to run most of it and finish 10 minutes earlier than expected.  (I've been running it in 40-45 minutes, finished in 35!)
 I carried my biggest fan across the finish line
 We can do hard things!
 Thanks PMI for the sponsorship
 Love these bikes
Mine has had shifting problems, probably from being knocked to the ground.  Unfortunately I had the most problems on this race ride, not being able to use my 2nd gear.  So I rode most of it in my 3rd gear, which I was ok with.  However, my chain fell off during the race, right as i started going up a small hill! ugg...I have maybe fixed a chain once, 15 years ago!  I was lucky to figure it out and get it right back on and get myself up that hill with no momentum.
WE DID IT!! And barely sore after.  We went to the zoo two hours later, then I took a 3 hour nap! then we jumped on the trampoline and took a walk.  Still gotta keep moving!
You can see some more pictures on our Picasa Web Album here

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Green Smoothies

The first week in January my sister and I started our weekly Green Smoothie making...and we are still going!  Spencer thought it'd only last a couple weeks.  Smoothies aren't a new thing to me, I'd make them for breakfast every day and take them to work, for years, until my babies came, then I made them less and less and ate cereal instead.  They were fruit smoothies, no sugar though.  I started to add a tiny bit of spinach towards the end, but not much because I'd perfected my yummy shakes!  My mom emailed me about The Green Smoothie Girl.  I spent a couple hours just reading through her site, her story and information.  I was very interested.  A couple months later I checked out her book from the library.  It is a really great, informative read on why greens are IMPERATIVE to our health; however, she is completely biased and talks a lot of trash on how unhealthy our processed foods are, and all the meats we consume are so bad for us.  So don't get offended or turned off, just take read the info she has to offer!  I wanted to be more healthy.   I did these green smoothies for a week, then got sick of them, and it was too much time, well I didn't make time for it well enough.  Wanting to eat a raw diet is a very huge undertaking, and is a complete overhaul and change on most of our diets.  It is too big for me, so I am starting a little at a time.  One thing at a time.  Veggies aren't my strong point, they are rarely served in my house, unfortunately.  I'm just not a fan, and don't know how to prepare them great so we like them enough.  However, I can do smoothies!  Growing up my mom made lots of different concoctions throughout the years, so I've learned to try new things, and tolerate them knowing that they are healthy for me.  Knowing the health factor, I was always willing to eat and drink what she made.  So, going into these green smoothies, I was only a little hesitant.  My sister, Carla, got us moving, saying she wanted to give them a try.  So here we are, 4 months into it and not planning on stopping!  We started making 3 batches per week, and have gradually worked our way up to 9 batches between our families!  We started with the recommended 1 pint/day, for all 4 adults and a cup for Allstar.  The hubs are really great and giving this a try with us, they know the benefits outweigh the flavor!  Spencer & I are now drinking the recommended quart/day.  Carla is almost at a quart and Matt is sticking with his pint.  Allstar loves them and will drink almost a pint everyday as well!  We definitely feel the health benefits, and on the days we don't have them we do feel that loss.  We did a Green Smoothie Cleanse for 3 days, eating a normal breakfast, then only drinking green smoothies for the rest of the day (2+ qts).  We wanted to do this to cleanse our bodies from the daily processed foods we eat everyday, and to help me lower my sugar & sweets intake!  Spencer & Carla almost threw up, and could only handle 1+ qt the second two days.  I did fine, drinking 2+ qts per day. I didn't crave any sweets until the last night, probably because that is when my body was cleansing the sugar out, so I craved it more!  The next day, back to regular food, I had a little bit of sugar, then that weekend my sugar crave was back with a vengeance!  Uggg...I am regulating.
Fortunately, I have the #1 tool needed to break down the greens to a smooth consistency, the VITAMIX!  Spencer surprised me with it a couple years ago.  I blend the shakes and Carla tops and puts them away.  We make enough for the week, and put them in the freezer, taking them out each night to thaw for the next day!  Easy peasy.  1-1.5 hrs in one day for the week, that's doable.
1 Quart of Green Smoothie contains a minimum of 12 servings of Fruit & Vegetables! 
 Getting started, our spread when we started, the table is full now!  Today a friend joined us to give it a try!  We had to expand to 2 tables, yay!  We are usually in the garage because Allstar is taking a nap.
 the spread.  Don't those colors look appealing!
 Green green jelly bean!  That's right my friend.  Don't let the color scare you!
Drinkin' like it ain't no thang!
 Drinking on and off since he was 1 year old!
Our base Green Smoothie Recipe
(from Robyn Openshaw, the Green Smoothie Girl)
makes @ 9 cups (2.5 qts usually)
1/2 greens 1/2 fruits.  You can do less greens more fruit while "converting"
2.5 cups Water (or part almond or coconut milk)
1-2 Tbsp. 3-6-9 Fish Oil Blend
1/4 Lemon (rind and all)
1/4 cup Agave or a small amt of Stevia
Add greens until mixture is up to the 5.5 cup line:
Handful of Kale, Collard Greens, Chard, many opts!
3+ handfuls of Spinach
Add fruits:
2 bananas
8-10 frozen Strawberries
1/2 cup frozen Mixed Berries
1/2 cup frozen Blueberries
other various fruits, whatever is in season
1.5 Orange
1/8 Pineapple
add more blueberries to make it more of a purple color than green
I usually get the spinach & bananas from Costco or Walmart, greens from any grocery store, all frozen berries from Costco, other fruits from Costco or grocery store.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Blessed Baby Girl

Seriously, I am behind, and think about this post all the time, so now it's done!  We started this New Year out in one of the best ways, Spencer blessing our sweet baby girl.  She was 2 1/2 months old.  I blessed her in my baby blessing outfit my mom had saved for me.  I made her a little hair clip and bracelet to match and will pass it all along to her. We had almost all our family able to make it.  We didn't get some great picts, it gets crazy and we just didn't.  But here are some of the mostly good ones that I got!
the distracted toddler
 Awww...the cute yet awkward sibling holding pose LOL!!!
 Trying to keep her upright enough.  Still has the floppy head.
 The hair clip and bracelet.  Purple was the color of the day.
Notice how skinny her legs are here compared to 5 months old!
 I Love love love love this little sweet thing.  Muwah

5 months old

I can't believe my baby girl is already 5 months old!  It really just seems like a month ago I was pregnant with her.  I love how she has some chub all over, but isn't that thick weight, so she feels more like a baby for longer to me.
Stats at 4 months:  Weight 13 lbs 13 oz, Height 24", Head C 40 cm.
She loves to smile and watch what is going on.  Also loves to be held and given attention.  Allstar is doing SO much better with her since she has started to interact with him by smiling "miling!" and giggling at him.  He rarely will hit or kick her now.  She has gotten her first TWO TEETH this last week, WOW!  The bottom ones.  She is a champ, hasn't been too fussy about it.  I am glad my kids have gotten their teeth in early, since I am unable to nurse them.  This way I can make the best, natural food that they can enjoy to eat early on.  So I don't mind them coming in early.  I started her on solids 2 weeks ago.  Oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas and squash.  More and more to come!  She is so cute learning how to eat, sticking her tongue in and out of her mouth, which usually pushes the food out.  So interesting!  Anyway, that's about all she does for now.  We love our darling little sweetheart.  Enjoy the pictures, and those cheeks.
 Allstar loves to help!  Notice his mouth saying "Ahhh" to open!  Funny [and the spoon is not halfway down her throat, it just looks that way!]
"You kidding, you're really going to let him feed me?  Look at my face!"
 She LOVES to try and get her toes, this was her first success!  Wow, so limber.
 Doll face.  I just eat her all day long.
 Allstar is a great helper, sometimes!  Getting her toys when she drops them.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Who is Melina at 29?

This is being written by Melina's husband who is overjoyed to have such a wonderful woman for a wife and as the mother his children.

So, who is Melina at the age of 29?  Well, she is...

My beautiful wife of 7+ years

Graduate of the University of Utah

My best friend

World class hiker

Rugged camper

My personal Caddy

Excellent sleeper

Spiritual giant

Great kisser

Amazing Dancer

Mother of Allstar

Mother of Lady Bug

Mother of Jynx

My "One True Love"

Thank you for all that you are. Happy Birthday! 


Your Husband