Monday, March 26, 2012

Blessed Baby Girl

Seriously, I am behind, and think about this post all the time, so now it's done!  We started this New Year out in one of the best ways, Spencer blessing our sweet baby girl.  She was 2 1/2 months old.  I blessed her in my baby blessing outfit my mom had saved for me.  I made her a little hair clip and bracelet to match and will pass it all along to her. We had almost all our family able to make it.  We didn't get some great picts, it gets crazy and we just didn't.  But here are some of the mostly good ones that I got!
the distracted toddler
 Awww...the cute yet awkward sibling holding pose LOL!!!
 Trying to keep her upright enough.  Still has the floppy head.
 The hair clip and bracelet.  Purple was the color of the day.
Notice how skinny her legs are here compared to 5 months old!
 I Love love love love this little sweet thing.  Muwah

5 months old

I can't believe my baby girl is already 5 months old!  It really just seems like a month ago I was pregnant with her.  I love how she has some chub all over, but isn't that thick weight, so she feels more like a baby for longer to me.
Stats at 4 months:  Weight 13 lbs 13 oz, Height 24", Head C 40 cm.
She loves to smile and watch what is going on.  Also loves to be held and given attention.  Allstar is doing SO much better with her since she has started to interact with him by smiling "miling!" and giggling at him.  He rarely will hit or kick her now.  She has gotten her first TWO TEETH this last week, WOW!  The bottom ones.  She is a champ, hasn't been too fussy about it.  I am glad my kids have gotten their teeth in early, since I am unable to nurse them.  This way I can make the best, natural food that they can enjoy to eat early on.  So I don't mind them coming in early.  I started her on solids 2 weeks ago.  Oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas and squash.  More and more to come!  She is so cute learning how to eat, sticking her tongue in and out of her mouth, which usually pushes the food out.  So interesting!  Anyway, that's about all she does for now.  We love our darling little sweetheart.  Enjoy the pictures, and those cheeks.
 Allstar loves to help!  Notice his mouth saying "Ahhh" to open!  Funny [and the spoon is not halfway down her throat, it just looks that way!]
"You kidding, you're really going to let him feed me?  Look at my face!"
 She LOVES to try and get her toes, this was her first success!  Wow, so limber.
 Doll face.  I just eat her all day long.
 Allstar is a great helper, sometimes!  Getting her toys when she drops them.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Who is Melina at 29?

This is being written by Melina's husband who is overjoyed to have such a wonderful woman for a wife and as the mother his children.

So, who is Melina at the age of 29?  Well, she is...

My beautiful wife of 7+ years

Graduate of the University of Utah

My best friend

World class hiker

Rugged camper

My personal Caddy

Excellent sleeper

Spiritual giant

Great kisser

Amazing Dancer

Mother of Allstar

Mother of Lady Bug

Mother of Jynx

My "One True Love"

Thank you for all that you are. Happy Birthday! 


Your Husband