Over the 4th of July, we took the opportunity to go and see one of our favorite National Parks, the Grand Tetons (http://www.nps.gov/grte). We weren't able to leave on Thursday until about 4:00 PM which didn't put us into the park until 9:45 PM. We were very nervous that we weren't going to be able to get a camping spot in the park (because of the busy 4th of July weekend). But, we were pleasantly surprised when we pulled up to the entry gate and saw the sign that said "Colter Bay: Open". YEAH!! 
We drove in, found a site, started setting up the tent and we hear a "Yoohoo. Excuse me". Some guy that just pulled up was apparently trying to get our attention. He tells us that we are in his spot. We didn't see any tent, no trailer, no camp chairs, nothing that would say it was his site. But then, if you looked closely, there was a trailer hidden in the trees just off of the main camp site. I guess the camp hosts said it was ok to park where he was because his tent/trailer thing wouldn't fit in the main parking stall for the site.
Anyway, so we throw the tent into the car and head off to find another site. We finally found a site, right off the road, but it seemed to be the last in the entire campground. phew! We got lucky, we're in. After setting up the tent, we go straight to bed. It was a long day!
Day 2 (7/4) Happy 4th!:
We decided to go on a long hike on Friday and then we would go kayaking and a small hike on Saturday. The long hike was a combination of a couple lakes, Two Ocean and Emma Matilda. It was a fairly easy 10 miler. Spectacular views of both lakes and one amazing view on the top of Grand View Point (steep climb to the top but worth it) of the entire Teton Range. We couldn't have asked for better weather. Clear sunny day. When we were about 1.5 miles to the trail head, we caught up to a couple staring off into the distance at a black bear. Unfortunately, we weren't able to see it but from then on we constantly clapped, whistled, and called out "Hey bear!" to try and keep it from coming over and eating us for lunch.
Grand View Point View
We decided to head to Pocetello and see Emily and Jeff and also to get Melina a haircut and color from the best haircutter this side of the mississippi. So, we had a lot to do before leaving the Tetons. We wanted to go on a small hike (around 4-5 miles) and then go kayaking on Jenny Lake. We packed up our camp and headed for the trail head for Taggart and Bradley Lakes. We first went to Bradley Lake then over to Taggart. This was a pretty easy hike but we really enjoyed the veiws of the Tetons as we hiked across the open meadows.
Once done with our hike, we headed over to Jenny Lake for our kayaking adventure. We soon decided kayaking is more fun than canoeing. It's a little easier, you sit lower to the water, and you can go faster (well, at least it seemed faster). We enjoyed sitting and relaxing in the kayak on the beautiful lake.
Around 2:30, we were off for Pocetello. That night we were able to go to dinner with my parents, Emily and Jeff, and Tonya and Bryan. After dinner, I went with Jeff, Bryan and his boys to "Hancock". Pretty good show. Really funny! We saw the movie while Emily cut and colored Melina's hair and WOW, did she (Emily) do a great job.
Day 4 (7/6):
Time for church. We went to church with the Nields. I kept Sarah and Aubrey occupied all the way through Sacrament Meeting, and didn't hear a single word the entire meeting. Then back to Emily and Jeff's for a delicious breakfast. Then back home.
Wow, what a weekend. Great times! We LOVE the beautiful outdoors!
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