Monday, December 29, 2008
Back for Seconds...Scott's Peak

Scott's Pass,
Scott's Peak,
Friday, December 26, 2008
Winterwonderland Joy
Snowshoeing up Little Cottonwood Canyon, Temple Quarry Trail. It was sooo beautiful, peaceful and FUN!
Little Cottonwood Canyon,
Monday, December 22, 2008
High Esteem
Go girl go,
Suzuki Esteem
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Worth It
Kitty Sweater,
Laugh until you Cry
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Early MERRY CHRISTMAS Morning for ME today! Spence was so cute, lighting the fire, Christmas music, and the suspense. He had me get my pj's on and wait in the bedroom. I had no idea what was going on, but know not to ask questions b/c Spencer is just a sweetheart with random cute things. So he came to get me, he covered my ears and eyes and led me to the living room...to uncover the newest part of our family...sweet little JYNX.
Spencer finally broke down and did it, he is so thoughful. Jynx is about 3 months old, Orange and Soooo cute, and really smart (he has used his litter box every single time)!and is super funny, I've been laughing all day at the funny things he does. He is Very playful, fun, adventurous, cuddly and has a loud purr. Spence and I had a moment (we cried) b/c of the *sentimental value of the orange kitty. We have taken 30 picts already this morn and night. We are so excited for this little new adventure! I LOVE him so much. It is no longer "just us" anymore. So here's the Scoop: Spencer had thought about this for a while and decided he was gonna do it. He started looking for a male, orange kitten born or yet to be born. He found one in Ogden and Heber, but before having to travel that far he found one at the SLC Animal Shelter! So Spencer found our little guy in cage C57. He had to decide and take him home in 1 week, or the kitty is up for anyone. So Spencer went through the adoption process, had an interview on Monday, and the little guy was neutered on Tuesday morn and ready to be picked up that afternoon to be OUR new kitty. He took the kitty to my mom's house for Carla/Matt to watch him until he was given to me. There was some little "white lies" told to me by Carla, my mom and Spencer the last couple days, and weird things going on that makes perfect sense now! Aren't surprises fun?! So Matt and Carla very quickly got attached to little Jynx and they all decided it would be best to give him to me Now, rather than wait until Christmas when Matt would be devastated to give him up after having him for 2 weeks. Fortunately Spencer didn't have to work until noon today, so he set it all up for this morn! It really did feel like Christmas morning, we played and watched Jynx all morning, not even noticing the time. I didn't get into work until noon either, thank goodness for great employers! THANK YOU Sweet love, and Carla/Matt/Mom! It was such a great, fun, cute surprise, I had no idea! Get ready for some picts.
First S&M Maughan family pict.
He ran straight to the fire, and loves Spencer!

*My family got O.J. (Orange Juice) a male, orange kitten when I was 8 yrs old. He quickly became MY kitten. I cared for him and loved him more than anyone. He always slept with me, and was there for me through those ups and downs of young life. He died last summer, right before we were going to bring him to live with us. He was mine for his 17 years of life. I loved him and he was my bestest little friend ever. I cried for a week. So we name our new little kitten Jynx b/c it's like saying the same thing at the same time...Jynx 1234.., but you see the same thing at the same time. This is the last pict I have of my sweet O.J. Rest in Peace "Baby O.J" I'm sure little Jynx learned a lot from you in Heaven before he came here.
P.S. This is MY 50TH POST! What a fun topic to celebrate with.
First S&M Maughan family pict.
New Kitten,
We love orange cats
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
whAt MakEs mE MAD???

Annoying Drivers
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