DrIvInG!! Tis the season folks, let's try to be safer, smarter, more considerate drivers here, no one wants a bashed up car for Christmas. Just a few thoughts: Head CHECK before you change lanes. Use your blinker. "GOOOooo
GooOO" when the light turns green, or there is an opening in the cars, don't be timid here. LEARN how to work the
4-way stops. Get in the lane you want to be in at least 10 seconds before you need to. It is OK if you are not first or second or third in line, you don't need to switch over at the last second and cut us off. SPEED UP when getting on the freeway on-ramp, you are merging into 65 mph! Ladies and Gents, the freeway LEFT LANE is STILL the FAST LANE! Get over if you don't feel like driving 80 mph, bc everyone behind you does WANT to. Make up your mind on the way out, ya gotta share here: If you are turning right, GET on the far right side of the out, going left, PAY ATTENTION and leave room for your righty turners as well as incomers. You MUST drive at least the speed limit, but ya know it

is OK to drive at least 3-5-7 over on the main roads, the cop in front of me was....STOP texting/eating/reading/doing your makeup
(I did do this, but have changed my ways!) in the car. When getting in the right or left turning lane GET IN THERE, don't linger to take up and slow down both lanes. Lastly, you Don't need to SLOW DOWN to inspect the accident when all the help is already there OR when you see a cop has pulled another car over...they already got someone so take advantage! Any others? What get's you? Hmm...wonder why I don't trust others when driving.
**Disclaimer: I know I do some of these, working on that!**
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