We took the challenge of our neighbor and from Nov 1 to Dec 24 we read the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) and 3rd Nephi. This is all about Jesus Christ and his life. It was amazing, and we met our goal to have it read by Christmas. Our testimonies of the Savior has grown, and the spirit we have felt, and that has been in our home has been awesome. It made Christmas a lot more meaningful, having our focus on the Savior, rather than what we were giving and receiving.
We enjoyed a small Christmas this year together. The best gift to us was to have 6 days off work and spend every one of them together! All the family parties were done by the 20th, so we were able to relax and enjoy most of Christmas in the comfort of our own home! Our new home was the main present, and we just gave eachother a few small things.
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