What made it so special you might ask?
Well, like I said, it was during work. However, we DID NOT ever get out of our chairs, and we DID NOT speak with each other in person or over the phone. BUT, we still managed to see our clothes and talk about which color and size we liked; we filled our shopping cart, then paid and checked out. We didn’t even have to worry about carrying a bag back to our car in this cold weather. Our items will simply be shipped right here to the office. Lovely.

I would like to thank a couple companies for making this possible.
First, I thank Hotmail for popping up the alert to tell me Shade had just sent me an email. Second, thank you Windows Live Messenger for enabling my sister and I to communicate without seeing each other or picking up a phone. Lastly, and most importantly, I would like to thank the World Wide Web. Thank you for making my shopping experience so easy today.
P.S. A big thank you to Microsoft Excel and Word, you have been so awesome to me these last couple months. I dare say you are some of my most favorite programs!
we are pretty cool. i can agree on that :) and such a nice sale too.
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