So here are some picts. I saw this idea on another blog, to take a pict each week, wearing the same thing. It was my idea to measure, I like to see when the changes are happening. Not much change the last month except I gained 1 more inch. What's the most interesting, is in the morning I am my regular 36-37 inches, but by night I am a whole 2 inches rounder, the clothes definately feel tighter! All these picts are taken on Friday mornings, so you don't see my full 'large and in charge' yet! I am feeling bigger, but still feel healthy and well.

I started a journal for myself and baby, again to document when changes happen, how I feel physically and mentally at different times, what people say, stuff like that. This is an exerpt of what I wrote about my growing belly:
I am about 6 months (24 weeks) along now and you can tell that I am pregnant, and don't just have a chubby stomach! I am loving my cute little round belly. Some of my clothes look even better! I have looked forward to seeing myself with a pregnant belly, and my body is growing well to accomodate you. It's funny, because people now give me a look that says "Oh, you have a pregnant belly now!" Which is then what people voice to me in some way. My friend's husband saw me yesterday and noticed my growing belly and said "Ya know, there's nothing more pretty than seeing a woman pregnant." That was very nice of him. I am mostly getting surprised looks from those who didn't know I was pregnant (acquaintences), or people saying I am now looking pregnant, pointing out the obvious. It is nice to hear genuine comments about my quickly changing looks.
You look great! I love that you love your pregnant belly. I felt the same way. It's so fun to see the weekly progression. Very cute!
Melina, I am so excited for you! I think its amazing and awesome you're documenting everything so well.
I LOVE your belly! It is so cute and little and round. I agree on clothes looking better when you are pregnant. I love having a pregger belly-not the 40 week belly but the little cute belly that you are experienceing now. You look adorable! Congrats on the boy- they are so much fun...and messy:)
I am so glad you are keeping a pregnancy journal! You'll be so grateful. I did for Joss and I really do read it a lot. It is funny to go back and see what foods I was craving, how bad my belly itched, how much she kicked my ribs, how often she had the hiccups, what baby body parts I thought I could see rolling around, etc. Be totally honest when you write (the good and bad) so that you can recall the things that made you happy and chuckle at the stuff that made you get a little mad. You look so darling. I would love to see you in real life:) Call me some time.
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