Friday, August 20, 2010

the Birthday Bash

"Your 20's were fun, but now you are done. 30's are neat, but be careful what you eat!" [from his sister]
That's right folks, he's the ripe old age of 30! Spencer has always made such a big deal about turning 30, thinking it was when you really started to get old! So, I had been planning to do this type of party for 3 years now. Our friend in our ward threw this "Old Party" 3 years ago for her husband. We weren't in this ward or even friends yet, so we didn't go, but our mutual friends did, and that's how I knew about this party idea.

We made yummy golf cakes and decorated them into the late hours. Secured the beloved soft serve ice cream machine from our friends. Went to the store many times. Decorated the deck. And waited for friends and family to show up.
THANK YOU's for every person who came!! We really feel loved and supported.

Surprise parties are so hard to pull off! I am horrible at lying, so I made up lame things I hoped Spencer wouldn't catch on to. He said I blew the surprise the night before, but he misunderstood what I said, oh well. I felt so sick right before the party, wondering if I could really pull it off! Will the decor look lame? Does Spencer know? How do I get him here w/o suspecting? Will friends and family even show up, like more than 10 at least? Are my cakes good? Will he even enjoy the "old" party? Well, my friends, a SUCCESS it was. The decor was good enough; I got Spencer there, though I guess I did some things inadvertently that confirmed to him a party was most likely going on. He very much enjoyed himself with friends and family...who more than showed up and made it a party! And the cakes seemed to be good, most of them were eaten. I did it! And it is over. Thankfully. I will personally not be putting a surprise party on for a very long time. The stress!
Friends & family came
Some dressed up so fun. Sorry I didn't get many picts. The Golf Cakes, patterned somewhat after St. Andrews Golf Course in Scotland
A favorite course he has played

I even got Sparkler Numbers, instead of candles! They last a while, akward pause & watching.
Our "Old" outfits I had ready to change into.
Spencer was a good sport, and played the part very good. Doesn't he age well??!


I hope you had/have a wonderful birthday. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. You are simply Amazing. You are fun, caring, loving and adventurous. You cook & clean, and enjoy it! I have said it before, you are 1 in a million men who do all that you do, willingly.
You are the best husband and father I could have ever chosen. Thank you for all the adventures in life. I always look forward to what life throws at us next.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Not so Baby

Allstar is 6 months old today
It has flown by. He loves that he can sit up now. That has opened up a new world for him [and more time for mom!] He can also roll over, then get stuck and call for help after a few minutes. He babbles. He loves to play and suck on toys, exlpore everything he can reach and see, and always wants to be a part of everything and everyone. He is always smiling and being sociable when others are around and and gawk at his cuteness. We coudln't love this guy more and are happy to have him in our lives!

to celebrate I put him in this new outfit his aunt & uncle just couldn't resist buying for him!
Perfect fit for our little "Allstar!"
look close, you can see a little hair he's finally getting
Want to hear the cutest giggles ever? Watch what my sister & her dog got for me.

giggle happy dos II from Carla Thorup on Vimeo.

Monday, August 9, 2010

the iPhone

I must say, this picture feature on the iPhone is pretty neat. Pic was taken by my sister, not myself.

We do not have iPhones [but all the Apostles do!]
Spencer wants one badly
I only sort of want one
the overall cost of them is not worth it...yet
I told Spencer once our website is making enough monthly sales to pay for the phone and monthly fees, then he can get one!

P.S. Go check it out! [] we have been doing an overhaul on it. Great products to make your outdoor adventures more fun!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


My talented artist bro in law, Matt drew this picture. My sister asked him why he didn't draw a couple breaking up for the emotion "Heartbroken" and he said, "Look at that picture, doesn't she look heartbroken!"

This is how I felt 4 weeks ago, when I joined the Weight Watchers program. Life has gotten busy b/w family, work and home, such that working out has just not made it's way back into my life, not that it was ever really strong! I know what I need to do to lose this baby weight, Run...however, that is the last thing that I would enjoy doing to work out my body. I just really do not enjoy running. I would rather hike, walk for hours, dance, ride bikes...just not run. So, after hours of complaining about wishing I were skinnier, Spencer, my dear husband, suggested I sign up for Weight Watchers and we do the program together. My friend joined the program a couple years ago and got really fit, then after her baby lost it all w/in a couple months. I knew it could work, just the thought of "dieting" is hard for anyone. But I needed to start somewhere. Counting points never sounds fun, and I always thought those people were not enjoying it. Well, I am now one of those people. It really isn't too bad for me, just my sweet tooth. I don't have a problem w/my portion control and fatty foods, my problem lies in the sugary goodness! Thus, the drawing fit perfectly to my feelings. I have had to cut back on 1 piece of candy rather than 3, or 1 portion of ice cream rather than 2. Because I am not making major changes to my eating habits, they told me I will lose weight slower than most. Sad, but understandable. The program has taught me to look at foods differently, see how many points or how little points they have. I felt very restricted the first couple weeks, but am figuring it out more each week, but still feel a bit limited, because I can't eat the sweets just whenever, I have to plan what I can have for the day, which I totally do!
After being on the program for 3 full weeks, I have lost 4 pounds, very surprised at that, especially because I do great during the week so I can have a few more treats on the weekend, and it still works out! Spencer has lost like 8, but we won't talk about guys and the unfairness of all sorts.