This is how I felt 4 weeks ago, when I joined the Weight Watchers program. Life has gotten busy b/w family, work and home, such that working out has just not made it's way back into my life, not that it was ever really strong! I know what I need to do to lose this baby weight, Run...however, that is the last thing that I would enjoy doing to work out my body. I just really do not enjoy running. I would rather hike, walk for hours, dance, ride bikes...just not run. So, after hours of complaining about wishing I were skinnier, Spencer, my dear husband, suggested I sign up for Weight Watchers and we do the program together. My friend joined the program a couple years ago and got really fit, then after her baby lost it all w/in a couple months. I knew it could work, just the thought of "dieting" is hard for anyone. But I needed to start somewhere. Counting points never sounds fun, and I always thought those people were not enjoying it. Well, I am now one of those people. It really isn't too bad for me, just my sweet tooth. I don't have a problem w/my portion control and fatty foods, my problem lies in the sugary goodness! Thus, the drawing fit perfectly to my feelings. I have had to cut back on 1 piece of candy rather than 3, or 1 portion of ice cream rather than 2. Because I am not making major changes to my eating habits, they told me I will lose weight slower than most. Sad, but understandable. The program has taught me to look at foods differently, see how many points or how little points they have. I felt very restricted the first couple weeks, but am figuring it out more each week, but still feel a bit limited, because I can't eat the sweets just whenever, I have to plan what I can have for the day, which I totally do!
After being on the program for 3 full weeks, I have lost 4 pounds, very surprised at that, especially because I do great during the week so I can have a few more treats on the weekend, and it still works out! Spencer has lost like 8, but we won't talk about guys and the unfairness of all sorts.
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