I thought I had a couple more weeks, but this boy ain't wastin' time. While on his stomach he gets his knees under him real well, but just didn't know how to move. Last Night I pushed his knees while he moved his hands...then this morning he remembered and thought he'd try it out himself! Wow...it's time for us to get on our hands and knees and babyproof for real now! He has been movin all day, albeit a bit slow, he'll speed up in no time and be in all sorts of trouble. This one is alive and curious, just 4 days short of 8 months.
He also just got his first cold yesterday, full blown today. It's the saddest thing ever, especially hearing him trying to breath with all that snot in his nose. He was up almost every hour for a 4 hours last night. Sad.
AND flirting already too. I saw him giggling at the Pontes girls today. He is so cute.
Holy cow I can't believe he's to that stage. Good job buddy! It's so hard to watch your kids sick. Have you heard of the electronic aspirator things? Instead of sucking the snot out with a bulb, you can pay about $25 for something that actually works. They have them at Babies' R Us.
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