We went to his 4 month appointment today. The babe is actually 4.5 months old now.
Weight: 13 lbs 8.2 oz (12%) [so surprising, we thought more around 15 lbs]
Height: 25" (39%) [he may not be a shortie like his mom!]
Head: 16 3/8" (22 %)
Doc said Allstar is the perfect, healthy looking baby. Awesome!
He loves to be outside. We've just began using our our Chicco Umbrella stroller and love it. It is lightweight, small [as in not bulky] and smooth.
This guy loves to stand, and is growing to love the Johnny Jumper, lasting 15-20 min.
He has started this, bringing his feet to his hands and grabbing his toes, it is soo cute!
Still loves the bath, and is slowly learning how to splash
He really is a happy little guy for the most part, hence all the smiley pictures. However, don't be fooled, because under all those smiles are a few tears too...he sure can belt out some good, sad sounding cries.