I say ugg, because it is the 4th feathery friend [no more] that has been inside our basement in the last 2 months, this last one being the worst! The bird hunting season is in full swing for Jynx. I'll bet the birds will be happy to fly south come fall/winter!
THE HUNTER, watching for his next prey

#4 put up a good fight. Poor thing left dead by the curtains, not even eaten.
Jynx just uses them as a game. He has to drag them through 2 kitty doors to get them inside, guess he's determined to torture & kill on his home turf, sick! Guess our carpets will be getting frequent cleanings. He's only 1.5 years old...still have like 15+ years to go!
#3, not sure what Jynx did, but I looked behind my sewing table [a fav spot of Jynx's to hide] to find a large, full, dead bird!
#2 my mom heard flapping around the laundry room, trying to stay high enough from the hunter while tyring to escape. My mom set him free, lucky one, but surely injured pretty good!
#1 left some remains, but Jynx kept this first one pretty clean so I wouldn't freak out too bad, just a few feathers scattered about...until I walked down the hallway to his old room...and found the huge, silver wing [SHREIK! It was disgusting, I couldn't bear to take a picture and have that imprinted in my brain! Spencer cleaned this guy up when he got home, I just couldn't do it.]
Gross. Must he bring them indoors? I don't think I could bear it, I can barely deal with the ones outside.
My brother's cat killed birds like crazy. They got him this little bib thing that interfered with his paws reaching out. It worked for a little while until he figured out how to swing the bib up over his back. Then it just looked like he was wearing a cape. Ridiculous.
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