Sometimes he likes to act like the boss, he definately makes a much cuter one!
Monday, June 14, 2010
A day at Work
I have been SO fortunate to have a job that let's me bring the babe with me to work. I went back April 9th, it's been 2 months now. [I wouldn't have it any other way, I don't think I could do it; you women who do are stronger than I!] It really is working out great. We have a great routine throughout the day. The first month I didn't feel I was giving him the attention he needed and felt bad about that, so I just started taking more time off throughout the day to give him more attention. I figure whether I am at home or at work, it's the same, so I just take more time off the time card to make us both happier! I work 3 days a week, on a flexible schedule. Being the one in charge really has it's perks! So here is a little peek at what our days look like.
he sleeps, in the swing [thank's Cocho's]
sometimes right after eating
He Plays
and sucks on his hands and drools a ton
Seriously, this is what I get to look at all day, I am so lucky!
And he sleeps in this too, most of the time. I put the blanket over the top to make it more dark, and keep the AC from blowing on him.
My 1st day at the office, April 9th...
And now...just a bit more mess!
I am grateful to continue working for this first little while. People ask what I will do when he starts to crawl...we'll continue on, possibly w/the door shut so he can mosy around my room. We'll see how long this lasts, I think my time of working will be shorter than I ever thought it would be, but I am so ok with that! I used to be a work-a-holic, but when I married Spencer and we started to travel work slowly began to take the back seat, now w/Allstar it is taking the Trunk space. But for now, I will bring in a little extra cash. I also owe my boss some time for being so great about the baby thing!
Working with a baby
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Wow you have just about the same set up as me. When my boss is out of the office his office serves as the napping center..its perfectly cooled, dark and quiet, but if not it is in the pack and play with blanket cover as well. I wish I was like you and could stop working sooner than later. That is awesome that you can do that. I cannot wait for the day. It is so good to have you in the same boat as me, it is nice to relate to someone about it.
It is the paper throwing that'll get you as AllStar gets older. Easton reeks havoc on the office, the curious kid. Your little man looks so happy hangin' with his mom. Thanks for sharing the cute photos.
That is awesome that you are ableto bring your little one to work. I would love a job like that.
That does make work seem a little more exciting! He seems so grown to me. I love this age :)
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