Monday, January 31, 2011

Stylin' short

Allstar has had this funky mohawk thing going on. He's almost 1 so I finally gave in to a little trim, so a trip to Pocatello, ID to Aunt Emily's house was scheduled. I needed mine renewed anyway. He did awesome, and was just a little wiggly like all kids!

The two of us with our new haircuts. Emily does a perfect job everytime! It always amazes me how much better I feel about myself after getting my hair done.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Anniversary Highlights

Spencer surprised me with a get-a-way to sunny St. George for our 6 year anniversary. I told him I would leave Allstar for 2 nights, so he took that and planned. My MIL & sister shared the responsiblity of the baby, and of course, Allstar was an ANGEL for them the whole time; eating and sleeping perfectly...well that ended quickly as soon as we got home.'s what we enjoyed for 3 days, beside the 50-60 degree, chill free weather:
the St. George Temple
A Heart Jacuzzi Tub...which was heavenly, especially for 2 people at one time, we both had our own spots to sit back and relax
a Hike in the warm, sunny weather
Good Eats, of course.
Basila's Mediterranean Restaurant was delicious, and a cute, quaint, intimate place.
Don't forget the Nielsen's Frozen Custard...mmmmm
and we ended all this with GOLF. Spencer was SO happy that I suggested we go.
He had his clubs ready and waiting in the car already!
Marriage rocks, we are so grateful to spend some time just the two of us and remember what the "old times" used to be like. However, it sure was nice just the two of us, but we did feel like a something was missing. Our sweet boy clapped for us when we walked in the door.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Holidays

Happy 2011, may we all have a delightful, successful, awesome new year!