Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Baby Girl's Unmedicated Birth Story

Laboring, Concentrating, at home!
Spencer suiting up to "catch" the baby!
 Right after birth
 First Family of 4 Picture!
I am always interested in hearing birth stories and the different journeys all women take in their amazing experience.  So here is my birth story, sorry it took 2 months!  This labor and delivery experience went exactly how I wanted it to go, I loved it!  The story is very long, of course, even after trying to condense it from 6 pages, I only got it to 5!  Read it, skim it, skip it, whatever your interest level is.  Enjoy my birthing journey!

Friday, October 21, 2011, my “due date” I started having some very light contractions, just one here and there.  I went in for my appointment that morning, and the Dr. checked me.  I was thinned 75% and opened still only to a 3, same as last week.  He said he thinks I have at least 1 more week to go!  He was going out of town for a week, but we shouldn’t worry since I probably have the time…
I thought otherwise.  I thought my baby may come that night, or the next day, especially if it was going to be anything like the first baby, where the day my contractions started was the day I was going to start laboring.
Spencer had a tee time with his dad that afternoon.  I needed to go to Costco sometime in the next couple weeks, but had planned to go that weekend if there was time.  I, being a little superstitious, made it to Costco.  The day of labor with Allstar, Spencer & I went to the driving range where he hit a bucket of balls, then we went to Costco…So this day, since Spencer was playing golf I wanted to go to Costco!  Maybe that is the trick for our babies!  [Allstar's birth story]  My mom and I also went to JoAnn’s Fabrics to get me some fabric for some projects for the next week.  I had told my mom the doc said we probably had a week, so she suggested we go get some fabric for some projects, to keep me busy with something I enjoy doing to help pass the time of waiting.
I went to the bathroom that afternoon and noticed the little mucous plug in the toilet!  Yea!  After reading up about it again, it confirmed that losing the mucous plug means labor is soon, but that could mean 1 day or it could mean 1 week!  I needed to see the bloody show for it to be within 48 hours.  I will keep waiting and watching, but there was hope! 
I didn’t want the pregnancy to be over with because I was uncomfortable and tired and just done with being pregnant.  I love being pregnant, I actually feel more comfortable about myself.  I am very healthy and well feeling.  I just wanted to meet our sweet little baby…boy or girl?!!
We went to bed that night, contractions had not gotten any stronger or more frequent, but I still just had this feeling that I was going to experience birthing again, and we were going to get to meet our baby really soon.
Saturday, October 22, 2011 I woke up at my usual 4:00 a.m. potty time.  I felt pretty uncomfortable, and then a contraction, a bit stronger, like it was meaning something.  After wiping I noticed there was a bit more mucous.  I sat back in the bed and laid down and felt something.  Something sticky and wet.  I didn’t think a whole lot of it, since there is stuff, especially near the end, and I wanted to go back to sleep.  About 4:45 a.m. I had another contraction that stirred me.  At 5:00 a.m. I decided to go back to the bathroom because there was a lot of sticky wetness and I needed to wipe it up.  There was the rest of my mucous plug!  Lots of it, and the little bloody show as well!  I laid back down in bed and felt a couple stronger contractions, 10-20 minutes a part.  I knew today was the day!!!!!  I fell asleep between a couple, but then started to battle with myself.  I wanted to take a shower, but did I really want to get up that early or try to sleep it out and shower in a couple hours?  By 5:45 a.m. I was feeling the contractions like 6-10 minutes a part.  I decided to get up and shower, I felt the time was going to be sooner than later and if I wanted to wash my hair I had to get up.  I had just downloaded an app on my phone for timing contractions.  Last minute before I went into the bathroom I decided to grab my phone so I could figure out how the timer worked, and wanted to see if it made any noise so I could lay back down in bed while Spencer was still sleeping and time them.  As I was going to the bathroom, yet again, I started timing them and they were consistently 4-5 minutes a part.  I read that was in active labor for sure!  After 20 minutes I got in the shower.  They kept coming.  Why had Spencer not gotten up and asked what I was doing?  I brushed my hair out and went to wake Spencer, to tell him we needed to maybe call his mom and let her know she needs to get ready so she can come and get Allstar the moment we tell her.  He asked if I was sure and I told him the timing and what I was feeling.  He immediately got up.  We decided to wait until 7:00 a.m. to call Jeri.  Spencer got in the shower, I told him to be quick so he could take care of Allstar.  It seemed like a long 30 minutes waiting for Jeri to come pick up Allstar.  I love my sweet little boy, but going through contractions is not easy with distractions, even if they are good distractions!  He just wanted to hang around me, but I had to ignore him as much as I could and ride through the contractions when they came, which was frequent, every 3-4 minutes.  I was relieved when she got there at 7:30 a.m., but had many mixed feelings as well, knowing I had to say goodbye to my sweet boy for the last time with just the two of us.  I had thought about this moment many times before, knowing it would be hard to say goodbye.  I held him and hugged him for a minute telling him how much I loved him.  I cried as soon as Spencer took him away.  I hoped he knew how much I love him, no matter what.  I hoped he knew how much I still care about him, even though I was bringing another baby home that would take some of my attention away from him.  [This is the 2nd time I have written this part and I am still crying about it when I think about that moment!]
It took me a couple hours to finally get ready after the shower, in between waiting out the contractions and Allstar it just took some time.  I wanted to eat something for breakfast, knowing I wouldn’t get to eat much later in labor, so Spencer brought me some toast, milk and a banana.  I got 1 piece of toast down me, the milk, and throughout an hour got the banana down me.  I turned on my soundtrack “Sleepy Sounds” which has relaxation music that I listened to during the last couple months of pregnancy to help relax.  I had Spencer call my mom and tell her that I was in labor and that we would call her when I got checked at the hospital to give her the heads up on when to expect to come.  We told her we’d probably be going that morning sometime.  I wanted her to be there for a little support, but mostly to capture the birth of this baby with pictures and video.  I wanted to get the video of Spencer announcing the gender of the baby, and receiving/catching the baby if he ended up feeling up to it at that moment.  By 8:00 a.m. when I was ready, I put a shirt on and walked around the room for half hour.  Holding my belly a little and just breathing through the contractions.  I had been up for 3 hours, standing up for most of it.  I was getting tired, and needed to sit down. After various positions and time I decided to move to the bed, to see if I could fall asleep a little in between contractions.   Spencer helped me into bed, and situated the body pillow in between my legs.  I was SO comfortable!  Surprisingly I was able to relax enough in between the contractions to go into a deep sleep for a minute before they came again.  It was around 8:45 a.m. by now.   My contractions we getting harder, I could feel it was getting closer to the end, at least I thought.  I was really trying to think back to my labor with Allstar, trying to find the similarities.  I wanted to labor at home as long as I could this time, thinking I could be more relaxed and focused.  I wanted to be strong.  It’s just so hard to know.  I was really trying to be in tune to my body.  I had a couple longer, harder contractions.  I mentioned to Spencer at 9:15 a.m. I think it may be time to go to the hospital. They were getting to the point that if they got any harder I would be too stubborn to get up out of bed and go!  He asked if I was sure and suggested we wait just a little longer.  He started timing my contractions again to see how far apart they were and how long they were lasting.  We had a system down where I would tap my finger when it started and again when it stopped.  So we waited.  I had a contraction, then two more that lasted over a minute and were like two minutes apart.  I was really feeling them, and getting a slight feeling of wanting to push soon.  I really felt the time was coming!  Spencer saw it too, after those long hard contractions.  He said, ok we should go now!  He loaded the car with the body pillow and a few last minute packing things then came to get me.  I took a good 10 minutes to get me to the car.    We are so grateful to live just right behind the hospital.  We drove the couple minutes and were there! 
So we ended up checking into the hospital around 9:45 a.m.  On the way up the elevator I looked at Spencer and said “I hope I am at least a 6 [dilated].”  In my head I was thinking a 7, but thought it’s better to vocally guess lower than higher, less disappointment.  He said “I hope you are at least a 5!”   [I checked in at a 4 last time]  I stood at the check-in desk with my hands on the counter and my head down, just concentrating on going through the contractions.  I was bugged at the little questions they had to ask us to get checked in.  Spencer, when under any kind of pressure always gets my birthday wrong!   So I had to take a little energy and correct him.  I was especially annoyed when Spencer asked the receptionist if there were any nurses who were more for natural birth that could help us, and she replied “Oh, cause you are trying to go natural...  Trying?  No, we are going natural!  We finally got taken to our room.  The nurse asked me to change into the gown and go to the bathroom to give them a urine sample.  It took me like 15 minutes to do this.  When I am going through my contractions I just have to get in my own little zone, and really tune out anything going on around me as much as I can.  This really comes off as me not being very nice, but a bit stubborn, unfortunately.  We asked her if she had experience with natural birth and part of her response was something like “you are trying to go natural?”  Again with the trying!  We informed her that this was our second birth, and the first one came natural, and un-medicated.  We really wanted a nurse who was supportive of natural births, because they seem to be more helpful and sympathetic to our desire to go un-medicated.  Anyway, the nurse had me lay on the bed and it was time…time to see how I did, time to see how strong I was, time to see if I lasted longer at home, and to see if I was able to be strong.  How dilated was I?...The nurse checked me, it seemed like she was taking and feeling longer than needed.  Uh oh, I thought, this can’t be good, she is trying to give me some number.  [Remember the day before I was only at a 3.]  She finally announced, you are 85% effaced and at a 7.  YEAH!!!!!!!  Both Spencer and I smiled and were SO happy!  We let out a sigh of relief and said we were so happy.  She said “I am glad I could give you that present!”  It definitely was.  I was so happy, so grateful for my body and truly amazed at how quickly it was progressing!  I can do this!  We are going to have a baby sooner than later!  I just have to keep my body going!
 My doctor had just left out of town that morning, which I knew.  So the on call doctor for that day came in and introduced herself and see how I was doing, check all the charts and graphs and heartbeat.  She stated she knew we were planning an un-medicated birth.  We told her that Spencer would like to receive the baby, and she was just ok with that.  I remembered about not wanting pitocin after birth, that we had spoken with our Dr. about this and he had agreed to wait 5 minutes after the placenta was delivered to give my body the chance to contract and stop the bleeding itself.  The on call Dr. would not even give me that option.  She said there is no way, and that I would be given the pitocin, and did not leave it open to discussion.  I was very annoyed and put out by that, but knew it was a battle I didn’t want to fight at that time; I had to focus on my contractions and keeping my body calm so I could get this baby here how I wanted to.  I could be annoyed after the birth all I wanted!  I looked at the clock and did some calculations.  I wanted to have a 7 hour or less labor.  Labor really started at 6:00 a.m., so that meant 1:00 p.m. would be 7 hours.  It was almost 10:15 a.m. so I really could be there for 2.5 more hours.
We had been there about 30 minutes.  My contractions were strong.  Spencer was to the left of me, not sure what he was doing, and my mom was down at my feet, massaging my legs.  I was going through these big contractions and really breathing those contractions down, making them work for me, when all of a sudden…GUSH, my water broke and came flooding out!  Both Spencer and my mom jumped out of the way, very surprised.  It gave me a good chuckle!  I didn’t know that was going to happen, but it was amusing to see them jump out of the way so they didn’t get it on them.  We called the nurse in there to let her know and help get new sheets under me.  I wanted her to check me soon after that, so like 45 minutes after we had been there and checked at a 7.  I felt like I should have progressed more with these strong contractions.  I was at an 8, but still only 85% effaced.  My mom was asking me if I was wanting to push, because my body was wanting to a little she could see when I was going through the contractions.  I nodded yes, a little.  The nurse told me not to push yet, to try and calm my body so I didn’t push.  She said I was not thinned out all the way and my body was not physically ready to push yet, the baby couldn’t get out yet.  Man, that was hard to hear at that point!  It made me a tiny bit nervous, worried that I was going to get stuck and not progress and it would go on for a couple more hours.  The nurse left and I was focusing on breathing the baby down.  I remembered something from my Hypnobirthing class that the teacher told us, in my own words, “Use the contractions to help, that’s what they are there for.  They are necessary to get your baby down and out.   When your body is contracting is when your body is trying to move the baby, so breath the baby down through them.  Take deep breaths to push out your stomach to give your baby room to shift itself down.”  Information like that.  So instead of just making it through the contractions I really focused on using them to keep things progressing.  It seemed to help the contractions not be so bad because I was thinking of something else now, rather than just how hard they are.  Labor is SO hard!  It really is.  It is not SO painful, but really tough on the woman’s body, really hard work to get these sweet little babies here!  The other thing that kept going through my mind through labor, helping me be strong and cope was an affirmation from the Hypnobirthing CD, “My body and my baby will work together in harmony for a smooth, easy birth.”  I know that is true.  I know that my body and baby have to work together.  I know that I can control a small part of my body to help, to keep it relaxed so it can do its thing.  So, I had been there for 1 hour now.  It was around 10:45 a.m.  My mom suggested that I turn on my side, since that seemed to be the key in helping my labor progress with Allstar.  After a couple minutes and contractions I finally decided to do it.  I kept having very strong contractions.  I was really trying to think back to the end of labor with Allstar, trying to remember what it felt like, trying to think of I was at the end.  My body sure felt like it was and I really believed I was.  With each contraction I would kind of grunt, as my body was pushing a little at the end of each one.  My mom kept saying “breath the baby down, breath, relax.”  While it was helpful to keep hearing that, it was sort of annoying too, I wanted it quiet.  It’s ok, I was almost done.  After 30 minutes, and some huge contractions I felt it.  The baby’s head starting to sting.  I knew it was time, I knew I could start pushing, because the baby was coming now!!!  My mom asked me if I wanted to push and I nodded a definite yes.  She mentioned it to a nurse there, but they didn’t really believe it.  They didn’t come over yet.  I was raising my leg a little, giving me some room.  The nurse checked me while on my side and said that yes, I was fully dilated and effaced and I could push when I wanted to!  I shifted onto my back and spread wide open, I was going to push whether they were ready or not!  I could feel the sting of my baby.  I was fully aware of what was going on.  I wanted Spencer to catch the baby if he wanted to and I wanted my mom to video and take pictures.  I turned to Spencer and told him to go get ready if he wanted to.  He was very hesitant to leave my side, wanting to help me be strong.  I told him I was just fine and I wanted him to go catch the baby if he still felt comfortable with it.  He left.  I told my mom to go and get the camera and start the video.  She did so.  I was there, by myself to finish these contractions.  I had to be strong for just a couple more minutes.  I just had to get the baby’s head out and the body will just come out and labor will be over.  The nurse said she could see the baby’s head.  They were not ready for me to have this baby yet.  I had gone so fast they didn’t get ready, so everyone was scrambling.  The doctor was suiting up in her waterproof gear and mask!  The nurses were getting the last minute prep.  Spencer was trying to get ready.  SPENCER WRITING:  I’m frantically looking around, trying to find something to put on.  I see the doctor putting on her waterproof gear and wondered “do I need that?  Where is my stuff?”  So of course all of the nurses were scrambling, none of them were able to help me, or get something for me to wear.  So I looked in the cabinet to see what I could find. I saw the gown the patients wear, that Melina was wearing, so I grabbed that and as I was putting that on a nurse sees me and says “Oh, you don’t wear that, here put this on.”  I grabbed it and put it on over the gown, I didn’t have time to take it off!  It was the same kind of green shirt thing the doctor was wearing.  This is all I got though, I didn’t get the mask, and booties for my shoes, just the shirt and gloves.  I was wearing my old shoes that could get “yucky” doctor Smith had warned, since stuff tends to fall and splash on them!  I could see the baby’s head crowning, I was right there with the doctor.  I was very nervous to do this and wanted to back out and just let the doctor do this.  She was really good, encouraging me.  She started explaining to me that when I see the shoulder that I needed to turn the head and shoulder to a certain angle.  I said, no, you do it!  She did it, but kept me there to do the rest.  MELINA BACK TO WRITING:  They told me the baby was crowning and to push.  The stinging was very strong, I just needed to get the baby’s head out.  I think I was thinking to myself, hurry, get the head out, which was the most uncomfortable part.  I pushed one last time and heard praises and that the baby’s head was out.  I heard Spencer say that he couldn’t do it, and that the doctor should just do it.  She was really great, telling him he can do this.  She was redeeming herself for making me have pitocin I thought.  She places Spencer’s hands underneath the baby’s head ready for the body to come out.  The nurse told me to push 1 last time to get the body out.  I had kind of forgotten that I need to still push.  I did one last time and felt the baby’s body come out and felt that emptiness, that the birthing was done!  I had did it again!  Spencer’s hands were there, holding the baby’s head and back as it came out.  He held it in his hands, and couldn’t put the baby on my stomach because the umbilical cord was not very long.  He then made the announcement “IT’S A…..…ALLSTAR…..…HAS A BABY SISTER!!!  IT’S A GIRL!!!”  My eyes were still closed, from the concentrating.  I realized I could open them now, I could see my baby!  When Spencer was telling me what we had there was a pause after he said Allstar enough for me to think that it was a boy.  That he was saying it’s a boy like Allstar.  Then he said “has a baby sister.”  A Girl!  I couldn’t believe it, I really couldn’t.  I was really thinking it was a boy, I was not prepared to have a girl!  I patiently waited a couple minutes to hold her.  We wanted to wait a couple minutes to cut the umbilical cord, wait until it stopped pulsating.  They finally did that and handed the baby right to me.  They did not wipe the baby off at all, like they did Allstar.  I was SO happy about that.  I held my sweet baby girl.  Again, I could not believe it, my little angel!  Then, I saw all her dark hair!  Wow.  This little baby was not only a girl but she had lot’s of dark hair!  It was very unexpected.  But I remembered my thoughts earlier that if it was a girl I pictured her having brown hair like her daddy.  I held her and cuddled her, trying to keep her warm. The doctor told me to push one last time to get the placenta out.  I just wanted to hold my baby!  But I did what she said, and it came right out.  Spencer thought it was very gross looking.  She told me she was just going to put a couple stitches in me just to be sure.  I only had a tiny tear.  The nurses took the baby’s temperature and cleaned things up down there.  Spencer came up by me and we just gazed at our baby girl.  My mom took some pictures of us and everything going on.  She weighed in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. and 19 ½ inches long.  I was a bit surprised to hear 7 lbs rather than the 6 lb range.  It was a little after Noon.  I did it!  I actually labored 1 hour shorter than my goal!  I was expecting the nurses to come in at any moment to move us rooms, but they didn’t come.  We just got to hang out in that room for a couple hours.  It was nice to relax like that for a couple hours, soaking up all that just happened, rather than rush to be moved out.  Later we found out why.   They had just had 8 births that morning, their busiest ever.  The delivery room I was in wasn’t even their normal delivery room, it was their overflow ones.  The bed I was in did not come apart like normal beds, it just slanted down a little.  I was so proud of myself.  I am proud to say that I checked into the hospital after all the other women then gave birth before all the 7 women who gave birth that same day!  I labored for 4 hours at home and only 2 hours at the hospital!  As they moved us to our patient room we passed a girl who was in labor still, the same girl we passed as we checked into the hospital!  Yea, I felt great!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1 Month Old

I can't believe we have had this sweet little girl for 1 month now!  She is precious and adorable and sweet and yummy...and...anything else you think she is.  I LOVE having a girl.  Allstar thinks it's just ok, he'll take some time to get used to having to share the attention.  We went to my sisters house to get some pictures in some of my baby outfits.  The green one I have some pictures done at 2 months, so we'll do that again next month.  The purple one was my blessing dress, which was at 1 month.  I hope she will still fit in it at 2+ months, pretty sure she will.  Enjoy our sweet darlings, they turned out really great!
It got quite hectic with 4 little ones [newborn, 3 month old, toddler and a dog!]
When you want to take a picture with a toddler and a baby, you have 1/4 of a second, so you better be ready!  Guess we weren't quite ready with this one.  that binky.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Newborn Pictures

We decided to get professional newborn photos taken of little Ladybug, so we took her to Fotofly!  Of course she didn't want to miss any of the action, so she was awake for the whole shoot.  I was glad for the most part because I wanted to have some pictures with her eyes, but I did want some of those sweet sleeping poses as well.  It's ok, we got some really great shots of her with all the different looks they have as a newborn.  You can see all of the photo shoot Here.

Monday, November 14, 2011

We had a baby GIRL!

 Meet our sweet little GIRL!!
I am so sorry for posting this so late.  It got put up on Facebook and texted right away, then emailed out a couple days later.  I realize I have some blog friends [who have given up on my blog by now] who haven't heard or seen the news.

born Saturday, October 22, 2011 at 11:55 a.m.
weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. and 19 1/2" long 
 1st Bath
I had made cookies for "It's a Boy & It's a Girl" a few days before, then gave them all away to the nursing staff that attended us.
 It is amazing how much they change in just 10 days...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

7 years ago today I got a Ring

October 1, 2004
The Proposal
Spencer & I drove to go hiking at Teton N.P. for the first time, then on to Pocatello, ID to stay with his sister for Conference weekend.  It took like 6 hours to get there.  Spencer drove very fast in his beamer, and was a bit agitated with the construction we hit part way there.  I told him we'd be fine, we'll still be able to hike, but he was still bummed about being so late.  As we got to the trailhead to Hidden Falls Spencer took off, hiking very quickly!  I again reminded him, then and throughout the hike that we were fine on time, and we'd finish the hike.  In the end, it was a fast hike up!  I love to take pictures and document memories, so I set my film camera up to take our picture in front of the falls.  As I was doing so 3 men got there and asked if I  wanted them to take the picture for us, to which I said "Yes, that'd be great!"  I soon found out Spencer didn't like this idea, as it was ruining his plans, that I didn't yet know about!  See his fake smiling face in pic #2, not sure of what to do now...That was the last picture on my camera, so I sat on the log and reloaded some new film.  Spencer nonchalantly asks me if I would like to take another picture.  I of course said "sure" because I love to have lots of pictures, especially with my cute boyfriend!  So I set the camera up again and set the timer.  As I walked over to sit next to Spencer on the fence he, all of a sudden, got up off the fence. I started saying "sit down, it's about to take the picture" when 
he tells me to sit back down on the fence
gets on 1 knee
and pulls out a beautiful diamond ring...
CLICK goes the picture.  
I promise, this picture is not a re-enactment, it is for real!
Perfection.  Go on, say it...Awwwww.  He knew me well enough to know how much I would cherish having this moment on camera.  I think this moment in our lives began our adventurous life together, and solidified hiking/camping to be "our thing" to do together.  It has allowed us to talk and think so much on the drives and hikes and around the campfire.  Now you can view the pictures [which aren't awesome quality since they are scanned].  So this story explains the fast driving, agitation and practically running up the trail without me.  Someone was a bit nervous about what he was about to do.  He told me later that he kept feeling the ring in his pocket, so nervous about loosing it or having it fall out of his pocket, since it was just the little ring itself.  He took it out of the box so I wouldn't see the bulge.
The Proposal, the picture before the proposal, just me with my new beautiful ring, and going out to a late dinner after the hike.
August 1, 2004
We Met
at a single's ward Ward Prayer.  We were not in the same singles ward, Spencer just came with his friend this one night...and chose me!  That whole night is another story by itself, very comedic!
We had our first date August 7, and saw each other almost every day thereafter.  It truly was love [not at first sight] but at first date.  There was the special, deep connection there neither of us could deny.  
I think this was our second weekend together up at Park City, one of our dates we remember a lot about.  I actually ended up meeting his parents this night.
If you have noticed my dates, and done the math already, you have calculated that we dated for exactly 2 months and were engaged.  Like I said, we hung out everyday but like 2-3, and really got to know each other so quickly through all the fun things we did.
We went to a BYU game
[We look so young here!  Must be the lighting.  We are 23 & 21]
 We did our first of 5 'Wasatch 100' volunteer overnight backpacking adventures.
Spencer actually told me about this on our first date and invited me to come.  At that time I hadn't decided if there was even going to be a second date, so I was a bit hesitant to say "yea, I'd love to come" when it was a month away.  Of course I did to be polite.  I am so glad I was still with him a month later.  What a neat experience!
He took me to Norah Jones at USANA
where he almost proposed, since he got my ring [which he picked out himself] that morning.  So glad he didn't, since his other idea was something we love to remember!
It is so fun to look back at where we began and how far we have come.  Life changes a lot in a couple months, and even more in a year, and so much more over the years.  I am truly satisfied with life and how it has come about for the both of us.  We had a lot of fun times before we met, and have had more fun times than we could imagine since we've been together.  It's fun to live life and see what comes next...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

All about Allstar

Here is some of what Allstar has been up to, for the months of May, June & July...There were so many picts to choose from, here is just a little bit to show you how he's growing.
He loves to swing.  We got this little swing set from KSL, and it has been so awesome to have!
 He climbs into his stroller; loves to take walks.
 Still loves to "clean"!
 Mr. Self Sufficient.  I opened the Honey Greek Yogurt [the best!] and let him go to town for a bit.  It was so cute I just let him at it for a while.  He was so excited to kept going and going!
 He loves playgrounds.  We are lucky to have this toddler-friendly one at the Elementary school in our backyard.  He now always climbs until he is at the biggest slide and goes down himself.
 This is obviously him letting us know he wants out.  He never successfully learned how to climb out, thankfully.
 at the Sandy Library, which we frequent a couple times a week!  He LOVES books.
 He learned how to give kisses around 15 months old.  SOooo Cute!
 and I made the mistake of letting him climb up on the table a couple times, an action I had to quickly stop! But he's just so cute isn't he!
 He learned how to open the caps on pens and markers. Here he got a highlighter to his face before I really noticed!  Let the drawing games begin.
 We haven't given Allstar many sugary foods yet, we want to establish a good eating habit, which we are very proud of!  We have started giving him more sweets though, so he's not the only one left out.  I gave him 2 scoops of ice cream, while his cousins got a cone full.  Well, lucky for Allstar his cousin was done with hers and offered it to him, which he glady accepted and thoroughly enjoyed!  I let him savor the moment and happily took pictures of him.  Who could with that face!
 The 3 Glade cousins. 13 mo, 16 mo, 20 mo.  It's already getting fun for them.
 Monkey see monkey do...
 Since 14-15 months he won't let us feed him anymore.  He loves to use his fork and spoon and help himself. The messes have begun.  Full wipe downs after every meal.  I don't complain, because he is a super eater.
 Bath time!  His favorite game is to throw everything out of the bathtub,as I'm sure most of you are familiar with.
 He's no longer my little boy, he has really grown up.  It is so sad for me to watch, but so fun at the same time to see him exploring and enjoying life.  Aren't his little Nike shoes darling, thanks to our friends for their hand-me-downs.
 Blankets...he sleeps with these, but we have not let him get attached to have to take them everywhere with us. However, he has started dragging them around the house quite often, usually with his binky.  He will usually listen when we tell him to leave them all, or go put them back in his room before we go somewhere, so it's not a battle.
We love this little boy SO much!  I tell him that a hundred times a day and kiss and give him loves a thousand times a day.  If he wasn't so stinkin' cute.  We are so glad to have this little guy in our family.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pregnancy Update

So I am now 35 weeks along, that means about 5 weeks left!  Oct. 21 is the official "due" date.  This pregnancy has gone by mostly quickly.  Having a toddler makes you think less about being pregnant, except for when I bend over, which is quite frequently!  I have had a really great pregnancy again, feeling healthy and being able to be as active as I choose to.  This pregnancy has been almost the same as with Allstar.  I do feel a bit looser, like my body doesn't keep things in as well, and feel a bit more weight on my pelvis at times, but otherwise, it's been the same.  Oh, 1 difference, this baby moves!  Allstar was very calm, and I did not feel him move very much.  This baby is all over the place, several times a day.  Spencer has been able to feel it way more, which is great for him.  When it started moving so much it kind of made me nauseas because I wasn't used to it, but now I am, and it is so fun to feel it so much!  We have stuck to our decision of not finding out the gender of this baby, and it hasn't even been a temptation to me at all.  It is fun hearing what everyone thinks...which is surprisingly one way more than the other.  I will take a poll soon to see what more people want to guess!  My mom has a friend who she says is 'gifted', and she said from the moment she knew I was pregnant that it is a BOY, then my mom saw a psychic while out of town last week, and that woman said I was having a this makes it even MORE exciting for me.  [I do believe to an extent that some people just have a special gift here and there.  Spencer doesn't agree.  He just read this and told me to let you all know!  Silly boy.]

So, I decided to let my hair grow out for now.  I figured during pregnancy is when your hair is supposed to be it's healthiest with taking the extra vitamins and such, this would be the best time.  It is ok, I still love short hair better, and will likely cut it sooner than later, but for now, I will keep on growing it.  I have kinda been in a funk though, just dealing with it, not liking it much.  My sister-in-law, who does my hair, told me that she tells people trying to grow their hair out to change their hair color since they aren't cutting it.  I took that advice.  So here I am now, a real Brunette!  I Love It.  Not sure if I will slowly put highlights back in just yet.  The color change has totally helped my confidence, and I now like my hair again.  I am a firm believer in changing or updating your hairstyle and make-up when you are not loving the way you look, it really does SO much for you!  This isn't a great pic, you'll see more of the normal picts as the time goes on.  It's only been 1 week.
And here I am just 2 weeks prior, so like 33 weeks?  I am the same size round right now that I was when I delivered Allstar...oops, and heavier, but I started a little heavier too, dang.  I just say it's because this is my second, and my body just isn't able to hold it in as tight as before, like I explained above.  I have definitely not been good with taking my weekly belly picts, like I did with the first, it's more like monthly.  Life is just busy, and the first pregnancy is just different than any other, unfortunately.  Anyway, I think that's all for now.  I am excited and scared for this second birth, hoping to do it natural again.  I thought I'd be better for the second one since I've done it once, but I now know how it is, and it kinda makes it more scary, wondering if I can do it again.  It is hard work!  Thinking of having 2 kids is also exciting and a little nerve racking.  The latter mostly because I still want Allstar to get lots of attention and love that he should get.  This time in our lives is definitely the time of Sacrifice, in all aspects of life.  To have a family beyond husband and wife is a lot of work, but these little kids are something special.  My next post will be about Allstar, he is just so dang Cute...seriously, I can't even explain the love we have for our little boy.