Sunday, January 4, 2009

Family Parties

It was fun to get together as a family and see everyone. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful gifts.
Christmas w/Mom Glade. We had the world's best homemade tacos, opened family presents, watched the super cute kids, played with the kitty, and enjoyed each others company.
(We received super awesome snow boots for Melina, Dark Knight DVD & Cute homemade scarf for Spencer, and a surprise picture from Matty to come - sure to be super sa-weet!)

Christmas w/Dad & Kim Glade. Ate lots of food, opened stockings and presents, watched the super cute kids. (received happenings coupon book and gift cards, free food!)
Christmas w/Maughan's. The kid's acted out the nativity story, then went crazy and opened family presents. There was wrapping paper and excited kids everywhere! (received another set of silverware, that makes 16! An electric blanket and cute vinyl pict "We may not have it all together...but together we have it all. The Maughan Family")