Wednesday, January 20, 2010

about Haiti and a chance to Help

I know there are so many organizations out there that are accepting donations towards the Haitian relief effort - but I have to let anyone I can know about this one. It's called For His Glory Adoption Outreach . My boss is not only the attorney for this office, but he is also the attorney for the Maison des Enfants de Dieu Orphanage in Haiti. His wife is the Medical Director over the orphanage. They visit Haiti mulitple times a year to check on their children, to help adoptive parents meet their future children, and to make sure everything is running as smoothly as possible. They have 2 adoptive children from Haiti in their home. This earthquake seems very real when our office is so closely related to the disaster. At this time, the Government is attempting to evacuate as many children as possible. Our attorney is literally receiving emails hourly with more information about "the orphan airlift." For His Glory Adoption Outreach is one of the orphanges on this list for evacuation. In order to send people down - they need financial contributions to help pay for part of the travel costs for 15+ women to go and pick up 50+ children. The ratios are not in their favor, but they are doing the best they can. Any financial dollar amount would help. Please contribute if you can. I will directly be able to relate where the money is being spent, and hopefully they can bring as many children away from the disaster and chaos as possible. They also need donations for new land, new buildings, and newly orphaned children. And send prayers, because we know those are always helpful.

You can donate here. PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ALONG. Thank you in advance.