Sunday, September 18, 2011

All about Allstar

Here is some of what Allstar has been up to, for the months of May, June & July...There were so many picts to choose from, here is just a little bit to show you how he's growing.
He loves to swing.  We got this little swing set from KSL, and it has been so awesome to have!
 He climbs into his stroller; loves to take walks.
 Still loves to "clean"!
 Mr. Self Sufficient.  I opened the Honey Greek Yogurt [the best!] and let him go to town for a bit.  It was so cute I just let him at it for a while.  He was so excited to kept going and going!
 He loves playgrounds.  We are lucky to have this toddler-friendly one at the Elementary school in our backyard.  He now always climbs until he is at the biggest slide and goes down himself.
 This is obviously him letting us know he wants out.  He never successfully learned how to climb out, thankfully.
 at the Sandy Library, which we frequent a couple times a week!  He LOVES books.
 He learned how to give kisses around 15 months old.  SOooo Cute!
 and I made the mistake of letting him climb up on the table a couple times, an action I had to quickly stop! But he's just so cute isn't he!
 He learned how to open the caps on pens and markers. Here he got a highlighter to his face before I really noticed!  Let the drawing games begin.
 We haven't given Allstar many sugary foods yet, we want to establish a good eating habit, which we are very proud of!  We have started giving him more sweets though, so he's not the only one left out.  I gave him 2 scoops of ice cream, while his cousins got a cone full.  Well, lucky for Allstar his cousin was done with hers and offered it to him, which he glady accepted and thoroughly enjoyed!  I let him savor the moment and happily took pictures of him.  Who could with that face!
 The 3 Glade cousins. 13 mo, 16 mo, 20 mo.  It's already getting fun for them.
 Monkey see monkey do...
 Since 14-15 months he won't let us feed him anymore.  He loves to use his fork and spoon and help himself. The messes have begun.  Full wipe downs after every meal.  I don't complain, because he is a super eater.
 Bath time!  His favorite game is to throw everything out of the bathtub,as I'm sure most of you are familiar with.
 He's no longer my little boy, he has really grown up.  It is so sad for me to watch, but so fun at the same time to see him exploring and enjoying life.  Aren't his little Nike shoes darling, thanks to our friends for their hand-me-downs.
 Blankets...he sleeps with these, but we have not let him get attached to have to take them everywhere with us. However, he has started dragging them around the house quite often, usually with his binky.  He will usually listen when we tell him to leave them all, or go put them back in his room before we go somewhere, so it's not a battle.
We love this little boy SO much!  I tell him that a hundred times a day and kiss and give him loves a thousand times a day.  If he wasn't so stinkin' cute.  We are so glad to have this little guy in our family.


Tricia said...

That boy is so darling! You look great with dark hair. It's really weird to walk past the mirror and wonder who the brunette is in your house, don't you think? (That was my weirdest issue when I went dark...recognizing myself :)