Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pregnancy Update

So I am now 35 weeks along, that means about 5 weeks left!  Oct. 21 is the official "due" date.  This pregnancy has gone by mostly quickly.  Having a toddler makes you think less about being pregnant, except for when I bend over, which is quite frequently!  I have had a really great pregnancy again, feeling healthy and being able to be as active as I choose to.  This pregnancy has been almost the same as with Allstar.  I do feel a bit looser, like my body doesn't keep things in as well, and feel a bit more weight on my pelvis at times, but otherwise, it's been the same.  Oh, 1 difference, this baby moves!  Allstar was very calm, and I did not feel him move very much.  This baby is all over the place, several times a day.  Spencer has been able to feel it way more, which is great for him.  When it started moving so much it kind of made me nauseas because I wasn't used to it, but now I am, and it is so fun to feel it so much!  We have stuck to our decision of not finding out the gender of this baby, and it hasn't even been a temptation to me at all.  It is fun hearing what everyone thinks...which is surprisingly one way more than the other.  I will take a poll soon to see what more people want to guess!  My mom has a friend who she says is 'gifted', and she said from the moment she knew I was pregnant that it is a BOY, then my mom saw a psychic while out of town last week, and that woman said I was having a this makes it even MORE exciting for me.  [I do believe to an extent that some people just have a special gift here and there.  Spencer doesn't agree.  He just read this and told me to let you all know!  Silly boy.]

So, I decided to let my hair grow out for now.  I figured during pregnancy is when your hair is supposed to be it's healthiest with taking the extra vitamins and such, this would be the best time.  It is ok, I still love short hair better, and will likely cut it sooner than later, but for now, I will keep on growing it.  I have kinda been in a funk though, just dealing with it, not liking it much.  My sister-in-law, who does my hair, told me that she tells people trying to grow their hair out to change their hair color since they aren't cutting it.  I took that advice.  So here I am now, a real Brunette!  I Love It.  Not sure if I will slowly put highlights back in just yet.  The color change has totally helped my confidence, and I now like my hair again.  I am a firm believer in changing or updating your hairstyle and make-up when you are not loving the way you look, it really does SO much for you!  This isn't a great pic, you'll see more of the normal picts as the time goes on.  It's only been 1 week.
And here I am just 2 weeks prior, so like 33 weeks?  I am the same size round right now that I was when I delivered Allstar...oops, and heavier, but I started a little heavier too, dang.  I just say it's because this is my second, and my body just isn't able to hold it in as tight as before, like I explained above.  I have definitely not been good with taking my weekly belly picts, like I did with the first, it's more like monthly.  Life is just busy, and the first pregnancy is just different than any other, unfortunately.  Anyway, I think that's all for now.  I am excited and scared for this second birth, hoping to do it natural again.  I thought I'd be better for the second one since I've done it once, but I now know how it is, and it kinda makes it more scary, wondering if I can do it again.  It is hard work!  Thinking of having 2 kids is also exciting and a little nerve racking.  The latter mostly because I still want Allstar to get lots of attention and love that he should get.  This time in our lives is definitely the time of Sacrifice, in all aspects of life.  To have a family beyond husband and wife is a lot of work, but these little kids are something special.  My next post will be about Allstar, he is just so dang Cute...seriously, I can't even explain the love we have for our little boy.


Mel said...

I can't believe you're so close to having baby #2! You look good. You're hair is super different, but it's refreshing. I wish I were more daring! Good luck in the coming weeks--I'm sure you'll do great!