Thursday, February 19, 2009

Public v. Private v. Car Vinyl

Private Blog v. Public Blog: A lot of people are asking themselves this question and for others' opinions on this, because of how society is now and is headed.
I am not a fan of private blogs, and here are my 2 main reasons:
#1. I can't blogsurf (surf, not stalk) to see and connect with old friends or people from highschool. (It is fun to see what everyone is up to, how they have changed, and their cute new families.) I like to see how different and creative people are, how they inspire others, lot's of people I don't even know.
#2. It is kind of out of my way to have to login to see the blogs (Lazy, sure. To be honest, my private friends' blogs don't get seen as often as my public. I still love you Trish)

If you are worried, then you need to decide what you'd rather do...put all your detailed personal info on your blog or not, or just some.... There ARE crazies out there on the cybersphere, I agree.

However, let's just jump to another topic that has been BUGGIN me for over a year now: what I think is MORE dangerous than public blogs, and I AM VERY OPPOSED to, is all the
-PICTURES (that pretty much tell how many folks are in the fam, whether they are the favored cute stick figures, or the penguins or snowboards, we can read between the lines ladies!)
-LOGOS of your kid's SCHOOLS and/or ACTIVIES
-The specific # on your child's jersey in the sport logo
(I know I know, you are just supporting your child, I know!)
This, to me, is a WAY more scary attraction for all the Crazies out on the STREETS. You drive around all day, running errands here and there w/and w/o your children. The people on the streets/in their cars see you, and your children. No longer do they have to follow you on your errands to find out more about your children...they now know where your child attends school, what activity they favor, AND what # they wear. NOW, all the creep has to do is show up at the school event and zero in on YOUR child. Maybe you are there, maybe you aren't, either way the creep is, and he is watching whether you want it or not.

Now I am definately one who is NOT the worrying type and will take extra precautions because the world is now full of crazies and super unsafe for everyone, especially our children. Maybe I have read too many Grisham and Baldacci books? No, maybe not. Hmmm. just something to think about. Oppose me, that is fine, I won't take any offense!
What do You think?


sojay said...

No way! I've totally thought the same thing about all that vinyl signage! And, I feel the same way about blogs!

I totally had a cow because Kelly Graham's blog comments had to previewed before they were posted (she changed that after much prodding.)

faith said...

i've gone back and forth on the private blog issue. ours was actually private at one point. then i figured that if people really wanted to find us, they could anyway. i figure, at least i don't put our address up there. and i really enjoy seeing what others are up to as well. especially those i knew way back when. :)
i will always be against car vinyl. not, however, for the reasons you state. i just think it's totally cheesy. especially the cutsie depictions of each family member - and don't forget the family pet. :)
i'm not against the bumper stickers of kids' schools. maybe i've read too many books that make me think if someone really wants to get you or your family, they're going to.