Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Someone's OLD is our NEW

Seriously, do we ever stop?! Not for long, and I love it. This time we took these old nighstands we found (matching!) at DI for $15 each. What a steal! With some sanding, priming and painting, we came out on top, with each only costing $30. Can't beat that.
We went to a Valentine's Dance on Saturday night, and boy did we busta move! It's fun to get all gussied up now and then. Spencer rocks, he is such a good sport in letting me teach him some of what I know...then do it in front of everyone who may have been watching! He is such a STUD.


Unknown said...

What an amazing find!
I wish we could have been there to see your dance moves as I know I could have learned a thing or too! I went skiing that day and was so sore (I fell one too many times) that we didn't end up going.

carla thorup said...

the night stands turned out very well done! i'll have to come by and see them on that brown wall i painted.