Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Healthy and Content

UPDATE for all the curious: Doc monitored baby's heart rate today. He said he printout should be published in a textbook for what the perfect, happy baby's heart rate should look like! Guess my tummy is nice and comfy for our little guy. Fluid level is at a 7 (ave. is 5). Dialated to 1.5 last Fri and 70% thinned. I am doing awesome. Energy levels are perfectly normal, and sleeping great every night still, going to work everyday still. We aren't feeling as anxious waiting, and are more content now. We'll expect his arrival when he decides to come. Still EXCITED as ever though!


Amber Ada Reimann Burns said...

That's it, you need a foot massage. Worked to break my water. Now we just gotta look for volunteers that don't have sick kids.

sojay said...

Come on, Baby Boy!

Tom and Annie said...

well, i'm glad someone's content.
signed, anxiously waiting!