Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Zero days remaining on the baby countdown ticker

Zero baby in my arms

Zero baby to show off to the world...

Guess it's just me and my belly left to show still.

hmmm. Good thing I realize the "due date" is just an estimation date.

He seems pretty content inside; we may not see him until next week!

Guess you'll all just have to keep up the anticipation with us!

Isn't it just crazy fun?!


Marjorie said...

I love your blogs. You are so cute about things. You look so cute pregnant. I bet you have totally enjoyed being pregnant. I keep checking your blog for updates. it will be fun to see your new bundle of joy when he decides to grace everyone with his presence. Take care and know we are excited for you and yours.

i {heart} hawkes said...

trust me, once he's out, a part of you will wish he was still in. enjoy the last few hours/days of freedom that you have!