Friday, November 12, 2010


Our baby is nine months old today. Wow how time flies by. So much has happened developmentally in this last 3 months. He is crawling around like crazy, and pulling himself up onto everything. It was amazing how fast he figured that out. With all this crawling he is getting himself into everything, and making lots of messes, which is fine right now. An exploring little one he is. He loves to climb up the stairs, and is pretty stable at it now, but it still scares me! He actually crawled up one flight at my office all by himself. (I thought Spencer had him, Spencer thought I had him!) He babbles and makes lots of noises, baby talk is so darling to hear! He has 3 teeth now, the top one just cut through a week ago. He loves to eat real food, and will eat almost anything we give him, which is only healthy of course! His stats will come next week after his appt. We love this little one, he smiles and smiles and smiles; such a joy.
His 6 months collage of my favs. What a little HANDSOME, just like his dad!


sojay said...

Good to see you guys this evening!

Tricia said...

He's so dang cute! Life keeps getting more and more crazy once you have to start playing lifeguard for your baby:)